Marketing exclusively

for Syndicators.

Marketing exclusively for Syndicators

Here’s what we know :

Here’s what we


  • It’s never been harder to raise capital

  • Most qualified investors are not ready to join a deal until 60-180 days after you’ve made your first contact

  • It takes an average of 6-10 touches with a new contact to get them on a phone call

  • Most capital raisers are not nurturing their email list

  • Only some of the new contacts you meet will ever actually become active investors

You raise more capital when you have a system to continuously build a meaningful relationship and provide value to potential investors before engaging them in a deal. At BAMF we build that system for you.

The Capital Calculator

Our unique tool designed just for capital raisers will tell you exactly how many additional investors you need to add to your database in order to hit your capital raising goal.

With just 4 pieces of data from you we can create a model for achieving your goals!

What makes BAMF Technology unique?

Unlike other agencies, your system will be designed and built by people with 20 years of marketing and technology experience.

  • Direct-to-expert - no outsourcing

  • Fast turnaround times

  • Fully customized - no templates

Our Packages

All-inclusive, fixed-fee packages make your investment predictable.

The Quickie

  • Template website

  • Template lead magnet

  • Template email series

  • Booking & notifications

  • CRM

  • Lowest investment

  • One week launch

The Elite

  • Custom website

  • Custom lead magnet

  • Custom email series

  • Booking & notifications

  • CRM

  • Two week launch

  • Our most popular package!


  • Custom website

  • Custom lead magnet

  • Custom email series

  • Booking & notifications

  • CRM

  • Total system setup

  • Ongoing system management

  • Ongoing marketing support & guidance

What our clients have to say...

"The expertise is evident right away"

"There is so much value in what you've shared with us. It's clear that you two are experts at what you do. We have to look for more ways to work together"

- Michael and Samantha Guthrie, Pacific Capital LLC

"Only for those with high expectations"

"As a result of the personal brand and website that BAMF Technology designed for me I fully booked my high-ticket coaching program within 30 days of launching the website."

- Julie Roy, Speaker, Author, Coach, Private Equity Raiser

“So much more than I expected.”

"You guys have shown me something that no one else I've worked with has been able to. It's clear you understand who I am and what I'm trying to communicate. I'm stealing this."

- Ben Nelson, Wild Oak Capital

We will give you the same proven framework as syndicators who consistently raise millions.

STEP 1: Pick a niche and spend time understanding what their pain points are

STEP 2: Create a lead magnet that directly addresses those specific pain points

STEP 3: Send them to a landing page where they can exchange their information for this content

STEP 4: Drop them into an automated customer journey that will lead them to take the next logical step

STEP 5: Educate and nurture them consistently until you're next deal is available

Do you know how many calls you need to book in order to hit your goal for 2024?

Badass business owners know their numbers.

They know exactly which actions they need to take in order to achieve the outcomes they need. Our capital calculator is designed to help you identify exactly how many new investors you'll need to hit your targets.

The Capital Calculator

Our unique tool designed just for capital raisers will tell you exactly how many additional investors you need to add to your database in order to hit your capital raising goal.

With just 4 pieces of data from you we can create a model for achieving your goals!

This is how we get endless strangers to convert into six-figure investors.

Our done-for-you system helps you attract your ideal customer speak directly to their concerns, fears, challenges, and use automated systems to lead them to take the next logical step with you.

How most people start:

Manually reaching out to people in your network one at a time is how everyone starts raising capital. And it usually works for the first raise or two! Sending false signals that this method will work forever. But in reality, there’s no scalability.

How professionals do it

Seasoned capital raisers use marketing combined with automated systems to take advantage of a one-to-many model, meaning they reach literally hundreds of potential investors every day and use automation to follow-up with them, nurture them, and convert them to book a call.

This approach will not only increase your exposure, it will save you SO MUCH TIME.

This is the proven framework top business leaders use...

STEP 1: Pick a niche and spend time understanding what their pain points are

STEP 2: Create a lead magnet that directly addresses those specific pain points

STEP 3: Send them to a landing page where they can exchange their information for this content

STEP 4: Drop them into an automated customer journey that will lead them to take the next logical step

STEP 5: Educate and nurture them consistently until you're next deal is available

Do you know how many calls you need to book in order to hit your goal for 2024?

Badass, professional capital raisers know their numbers.

They know exactly which actions they need to take in order to achieve the outcomes they need. Our capital calculator is designed to help you identify exactly how many new investors you'll need to hit your targets.

If you’re wondering whether you’ve got the right system in place to deliver the results you need, ask yourself these questions:

Is your online presence attracting a steady stream of the high-net-worth leads you’re looking for?

Is your online presence attracting a steady stream of the high-net-worth leads you’re looking for?

Do you have automated systems in place to convert those leads into actively engaged investors?

Do you have automated systems in place to convert those leads into actively engaged investors?

Are you consistently nurturing a relationship with your investor database in a meaningful way so that they can’t wait to invest in your next opportunity?

Are you consistently nurturing a relationship with your investor database in a meaningful way so that they can’t wait to invest in your next opportunity?

Do you have an automated platform to keep all of these systems running on repeat?

Do you have an automated platform to keep all of these systems running on repeat?

Do you have time to nurture every prospect, schedule calls, and follow-up with your new contacts consistently?

Perfect. We do all of that for you!

And we do it really well.

Our experience shows that new contacts require 6-10 touchpoints before they're ready to book a call.

Do you have time to come up with that content?

Do you want to remember to call, text or email them?

Do you know the ideal amount of time to wait in between messages?

We've applied 20 years of marketing expertise to craft a proven system that will nurture your contacts while you sleep, providing them with high-value information that speaks directly to their pain points until they can't wait to get on the phone with you.

As your partner, our number one focus is converting more of your leads to your email database and getting them to book a call with you.

The system we build for you will ensure you get more booked calls by:

  • Creating systems that do the work for you and allow you to scale

  • Elevating the quality of your brand to align with the quality standards of your target clients

  • Clarifying your message to directly address their challenges and pain points

  • Setting up automations and workflows to guarantee that no contact falls through the cracks

  • Increasing the amount of qualified traffic to your site

  • Converting more of your traffic into contacts

  • Helping you amplify your message and reach more people

  • Creating a thought leadership platform that makes it clear you are the very best at what you do

  • Arming your with DATA to make better decisions about your buiness

Our investor calculator will help you determine just how many more contacts you need to achieve your goals.

Do you have time to nurture every prospect, schedule calls and follow-up with your new contacts consistently?

Perfect. We do all of that for you!

(And we do it really well.)

Our experience shows that new contacts require 6-10 'touches' before they're ready to book a call.

We've applied 20 years of marketing expertise to craft a proven system that will nurture your contacts while you sleep, providing them with high-value information that speaks directly to their pain points until they can't wait to get on the phone with you.

The system we build for you will ensure you get more booked calls by:

  • Creating systems that do the work for you and allow you to scale

  • Elevating the quality of your brand to align with the quality standards of a high-net-worth individual

  • Clarifying your message to directly address their challenges and pain points

  • Setting up automations and workflows to guarantee that no contact falls through the cracks

  • Increasing the amount of qualified traffic to your site

  • Converting more of your traffic into contacts

  • Helping you amplify your message and reach more people

  • Creating a thought leadership platform that makes it clear you are the very best at what you do

What’s included the package?

CRM - SEC compliant contact management

Custom lead magnet

Back-end systems and automations

One login, unlimited members


Automations for webinars, meetups and deal offers

Ongoing monthly proactive support

Booking and auto-reminders

Brand design

SMS & Email marketing

Lead generation

Custom website

What’s included the package?

CRM - SEC Compliant contact management

Custom lead magnet

Back-end systems and automations

One login and unlimited users


SMS & email marketing

Proven conversion sequences for webinars, meetups and deal offers

Mobile optimized website

Brand design

But wait,

there’s more!

We don’t just setup your system and leave you hanging. We really want you to be successful so our standard package includes monthly pro-active support specifically catered to busy professionals.

  • Two monthly strategy calls

  • Access to a team of experts for the marketing and technology questions that are keeping you up at night

  • Marketing recommendations based on the trends we see from your unique audience

  • Steady stream of new nurture emails and lead-magnets to continuously nurture your investors

  • Pro-active performance reporting so you know your numbers, track your ROI and can make informed decisions

But wait, there’s more!

We don’t just setup your system and leave you hanging. We really want you to be successful so our standard package includes monthly pro-active support specifically catered to busy professionals.

  • Two monthly strategy calls

  • Access to a team of experts for the marketing and technology questions that are keeping you up at night

  • Marketing recommendations based on the trends we see from your unique audience

  • Steady stream of new nurture emails and lead-magnets to continuously nurture your investors

  • Pro-active performance reporting so you know your numbers, track your ROI and can make informed decisions

This system is uniquely designed for syndicators.

We not only have 20 years of marketing and technology background, we’re capital raisers and real estate investors ourselves. Four years ago, as new kids on the block, we knew we had to find an edge.

We noticed right away that our branding and marketing efforts were setting us apart from our competitors.

Our polished, professional platform gave us instant credibility in the field, and people took notice of our business, attracting high-quality investors.

We consistently grow our list month-after-month with a highly engaged audience so we know how loyal investor relationships are curated.

Our online platform has been the lifeblood of our business.

About Duane

  • 15 years of technical experience

  • Website developer, IT manager

  • Fortune 500 technology leader

  • Spartan racer

  • Marathon runner

  • Obsessed with self-improvement

About Ashley

  • 20 years working at global advertising agencies

  • Marketing and branding strategy leader

  • Corgi-lover

  • Fashion obsessed

Miley, Director of HR

This platform is uniquely designed for commercial real estate capital raisers.

We not only have 20 years of marketing and technology background, we’re capital raisers and real estate investors ourselves. Four years ago, as new kids on the block, we knew we had to find an edge.

We noticed right away that our branding and marketing efforts were setting us apart from our competitors.

Our polished, professional platform gave us instant credibility in the field, and people took notice of our business, attracting high-quality investors.

We consistently grow our list month-after-month with a highly engaged audience so we know how loyal investor relationships are curated.

Our online platform has been the lifeblood of our business.

Frequently asked questions

How much time will I need to invest in this process?

Most of our clients find they spend less than 2 hours a month working with us to maintain or update their system. When building your system for the first time, the typical level of involvement is 4-6 hours over the course of the 2 week build time.

How long will it take to get my system up and running?

Because we do all the work for you, and we know exactly what need to do, there's no need for you to participate in lengthy "discovery meetings", sit through touchy-feely creative exercise's or join hour-long Zoom calls to get results. Our approach is designed with the understanding that your time is extremely valuable and that every minute you're not out there making new contacts you are farther away from your goal.

All you have to do is fill out the onboarding worksheet and send us your assets. We take it all from there. You're new platform will be setup in 7-10 business days.

How do you measure success with your clients?

We focus on conversion as the number metric. First priority is how much of the traffic coming to your site downloads the lead magnet, 2-6% is the industry benchmark. Second priority is monitoring your email performance. We look for a 50% open rate and a 2-3% click-thru rate, based on the industry benchmarks. If any of these benchmarks aren't being hit, then we're pro-actively looking for ways to improve. Typically it's because the messaging isn't hitting on the pain points of your target audience hard enough, or the traffic coming to your site isn't the target audience.

What other services do you offer?

Once your system is setup, we offer a sliding scale of support based on your needs. This could include running paid ads to drive traffic to your site, social media strategy, social media content and posting, content repurposing, helping your launch your podcast, ongoing podcast promotion, monthly newsletters, investor communication, graphic design, property offering materials, webinar flows, and more.

Is your work outsourced?

No. To maintain quality standards our work is completed in-house within our trusted network of resources.

Frequently asked questions

Does this system work for both 506b and 506c offerings?

Yes, the same system works for both scenarios. Workflows can easily be turned on to request compliant paperwork from your investors.

Can this system be used for raising capital for SPV's or Fund of Funds?

Yes, our system is focused on attracting, educating, nurturing and converting leads for ANY kind of business. We just happen to have experience with private equity capital raising, so we understand the unique language, mindset and compliance requirements for this space. Regardless of what type of raise you're focused on, our system will help you.

What types of capital raising can this system be used for?

Our system is focused on attracting, educating, nurturing and converting leads for ANY kind of business. We just happen to have experience with raising for commercial real estate, but really any type of private equity fund raising would benefit from having a system like this in place.

How much time will I need to invest in this process?

Most of our clients find they spend less than 2 hours a month working with us to maintain or update their system. When building your system for the first time, the typical level of involvement is 4-6 hours over the course of the 2 week build time.

How long will it take to get my system up and running?

Because we do all the work for you, and we know exactly what need to do, there's no need for you to participate in lengthy "discovery meetings", sit through touchy-feely creative exercise's or join hour-long Zoom calls to get results. Our approach is designed with the understanding that your time is extremely valuable and that every minute you're not out there making new contacts you are farther away from your goal.All you have to do is fill out the onboarding worksheet and send us your assets. We take it all from there. You're new platform will be setup in 7-10 business days.

How do you measure success with your clients?

We focus on conversion as the number metric. First priority is how much of the traffic coming to your site downloads the lead magnet, 2-6% is the industry benchmark.

Second priority is monitoring your email performance. We look for a 50% open rate and a 2-3% click-thru rate, based on the industry benchmarks.

If any of these benchmarks aren't being hit, then we're pro-actively looking for ways to improve. Typically it's because the message isn't hitting on the pain points of your target audience hard enough, or the traffic coming to your site isn't the target audience.

What other services do you offer?

Once your system is setup, we offer a sliding scale of support based on your needs. This could include running paid ads to drive traffic to your site, social media strategy, social media content and posting, content repurposing, helping your launch your podcast, ongoing podcast promotion, monthly newsletters, investor communication, graphic design, property offering materials, webinar flows, and more.

Is your work outsourced?

No. To maintain quality standards our work is completed in-house within our trusted network of resources.

Ready to go to

the next level?

Ready to go to

the next level?